I thought I'd share some highlights from the past couple of weeks so you know what I've been up to:
Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm: A week ago, my friend Greg and I took the drive down to Woodburn to see some spectacular tulip fields. Even though it was a Monday morning, the place was full of people, mainly the elderly and mother's with small children, but never the less we persevered and saw some of the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen. They have planted over 40 acres of tulips in so many beautiful colors and varieties. Row after row of tulips, I continued to be amazed by these flowers...it just doesn't get old admiring God's handy work in creation! Here are a few pictures I stole from Greg:

Rebuilding Center / Mississippi St: Setting off on what was originally intended to be a coffee date, my new friend Amanda and I headed up to North Portland to Mississippi Street, an area that has recently experienced a bit of a rebirth. One of the highlights of this little district was the Rebuilding Center, a massive warehouse-like store that sells everything from doors, to mantels, old floorboards, shutters, windows, tiles and cabinets...everything including the kitchen sink! The charming thing about the Rebuiding Center is that everything in the store is donated from people who are gutting, demo-ing or remodeling their homes so the place is a wealth of vintage-y goodness all at really cheap prices. I adore old things and I appreciate that all of this amazing stuff isn't just discarded to rot in a dump. I will most definitely be visiting this place again once I get a job and have some more discretionary cash flow! Amanda and I also perused some cute antique shops and boutiques in the area, ate some delish sushi and had a fantastic time.
Portland Waterfront: On Thursday I met up with Melissa, an old friend from Cal Poly, and we walked the Portland Waterfront. It was a beautiful, warm sunny day and we enjoyed the afternoon sitting on the grassy bank, catching up on each others lives and watching the boats drift by. It was really fun to get to sit down with someone else from SLO and chat about the things we love about Portland but miss about our old college town.
So those are just a few of the highlights from this past week. I feel like I have been pleasantly surprised by how busy I've been keeping so far. It's been a tremendous blessing to see how caring, generous and encouraging this body of believers at Colossae is...I have felt so incredibly adopted into the community up here! While it has certainly been fun to get to explore and hang out a lot, I am looking forward to and praying that I soon land a job and get a bit of a schedule going in my life. But for now, I am enjoying, trusting, resting in the Lord and soaking this all in.
Until next time,
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