It was recently brought to my attention that I do not have many pictures posted here on my blog, and so, in an effort to please the readers, here are a few of my favorite pictures. Most of them are from college as I have sort of fallen off the picture taking bandwagon as of late. Enjoy!
This is perhaps my favorite picture of my best friend Amanda taken during our last finals week senior year. Clearly we weren't that concerned about grades at that point!
My dear friend Emily and I bought these amazing 80's hammer pants in Venice Beach one summer...a photo shoot ensued for good reason!
One of my favorite pictures of me and my roommates. NYE 2006
This picture has always made me laugh...I have a crazy family that I love so much!
I am in love. This is the first time I met Avery, my precious niece.

Another of my favorite pictures with Amanda. This picture has always been referred to as the "Walk of Shame" because we got locked out of the apartment and ended up sleeping over at the boys house which we were very nervous about!
This is the coolest I have ever been or ever will be. Chelsea and I downtown in SLO.
A great day at Disneyland with my family.
Just a few weeks before we graduated and moved on, the roomies headed out to Meadow Park in SLO for a photo sesh. I love this candid moment.
1 comment:
I love these pictures! I miss SLO days. Come visit me next week on Spring Break!
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